Where There’s WILL, There’s A Way


Pueblo, Colorado 81001


Where There's WILL
There's A Way
The I Will Projects

Mission Statement:

The mission of the I Will Projects is to raise community awareness of sustainable living practices by offering educational programs to diverse and multi-generational participants.

Vision Statement:

Where there’s Will, there’s a way to empower communities to thrive in a world with finite natural resources.

Learn More
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The I Will Projects

Who Are We?

Our innovative project IFIZ, empowers communities through education, collaboration and sustainable innovation, towards a regenerative food system that promotes food justice.

Providing healthy and fresh food access, and recognizes food as medicine.

Join us in a mission to create a more just, sustainable world by supporting IFIZ.

Our Mission

Our mission of the I Will Projects is to raise community awareness of sustainable living practices by offering educational programs to diverse and multi-generational participants.

Our Strategies

Our ultimate goal is to create a sustainable food system that not only feeds individuals but also supports the health of the planet and all its habitats.

The Story

The I Will Projects, established in 2010, is a non-profit organization founded by Alice Hill.

Our Impact

You Can Help Make A Difference

Who We Are

Our Impact

Why Donate

Our team has a variety of talents and interests to meet the mission and vision. A mix of educators, designers, writers, technicians and other professionals contribute to The I Will Projects' success.


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